Higieniniai tamponai

Gentle Day Super Plus N15

Higieniniai tamponai Gentle Day Super Plus  N15 | Mano Vaistinė
Higieniniai tamponai

Gentle Day Super Plus N15

Product code: 14898


Manufacturer: AAAA Europe Distribution
Usual price 4,19 €
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0,18 € By ordering this product, you will receive additional loyalty points: 6, with a value of 0,18 € By ordering this product, you will receive additional loyalty points: 6, with a value of 0,18 € Learn more Learn more

GENTLE DAY® Organic cotton tampons (Regular, Super, Super Plus)

Gentle Day® tampons are made from organic cotton which helps prevent skin irritations, allergic reactions and exposure to harmful chemicals - better for your health and the environment. Certified organic according to the GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) and ICEA (Instituto Certificazione Ambientale e Etica).

• 100% Organic Cotton made without residues, harsh chemicals, herbicides or pesticides.

• Hypo-allergenic, which helps prevent the risk of irritations - clinically tested.

•Chlorine and Dioxin free - no chlorine is used in the bleaching process.

• The absorbent core is wrapped in a hypo-allergenic "safety veil" which prevents fibers from remaining inside your body and provides smooth surface.

•Perfume free

• Biodegradable 


Gentle Day Super Plus N15 usage

Tamponus Gentle Day Super Plus naudokite tik tada kada tikrai reikia: sportuojant, maudantis, pirtyje, svarbaus susitikimo metu (kad išvengti pratekėjimų). Kad jaustumėtės saugiau nešiodamos tamponus, į kelnaites įklijuokite Gentle Day kasdienį įklotą. Jis apsaugos, jei laiku nespėsite pasikeisti tampono. Naktį ar tuo metu, kai žinote, jog negalėsite laiku pasikeisti tampono (po 3-6 val.), geriau rinkitės Gentle Day paketus, nes jie itin gerai sugeria, o anijonų juostelė apsaugo nuo nemalonaus kvapo bei bakterijų dauginimosi.
