Maisto papildas širdžiai ir kraujagyslėms

BioKalis 400 mg, N30

Maisto papildas širdžiai ir kraujagyslėms BioKalis 400 mg, N30 | Mano Vaistinė
Maisto papildas širdžiai ir kraujagyslėms

BioKalis 400 mg, N30

Product code: 99743


Manufacturer: GadotBiochemicals Ltd
Usual price 7,26 €
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bioKalis 400mg Potassium contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system, Potassium contributes to normal muscle function, Potassium contributes to the maintenance of normal blood pressure.Food supplement. Powder in sachets containing 1.1 g. The net amount of 30 packs x 1.1 g = 33 g.Ingredients (1 packet): potassium citrate (400mg potassium).
Directions for use: pour the package contents into a glass (100-200 mL) of water or juice, stir anddrink. Adults take 1 packet once a day, for children from 6 to 12 years - ½ packet once a day, aftera meal. We recommend that you consult with your doctor or pharmacist for a different intakeamount. Supplement can be used by vegans, pregnant women and nursing mothers.Warning. Do not use the supplement instead of food. Keep away from children. Store in a dryplace with temperature up to +25˚C.Made in Israel, GadotBiochemical Ltd.