Geležies ir vitamino C preparatas

BioFerrum Acerola N28

Attention! The use-by-date of this product is shorter, until 2025-02-15
Geležies ir vitamino C preparatas BioFerrum Acerola  N28 | Mano Vaistinė
Geležies ir vitamino C preparatas

BioFerrum Acerola N28

Attention! The use-by-date of this product is shorter, until 2025-02-15
Product code: 14166


Manufacturer: Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd
Usual price 18,39 €
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bioFERRUM acerola Iron and vitamin C contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism, Iron and vitamin C contributes to the normal function of the immune system, Iron and vitamin C contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, Iron contributes to normal formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin, Iron contributes to normal oxygen transport in the body, Iron has a role in the process of cell division, Vitamin C contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system, Vitamin C contributes to normal psychological function, Vitamin C contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress, Vitamin C increases iron absorption.Food supplement. Powder in sachets containing 1.25 g. The net amount of 28 packs x 1.25 g= 35 g.Ingredients (1 packet): iron pyrophosphate (21 mg iron), acerola (80 mg vitamin C).Directions for use: pour the package contents into a glass (100-200 mL) of water or juice, stir anddrink. The powder can be poured directly into the mouth or into the food (porridge, yogurt, etc.).Adults take 1 packet once a day, for children from 6 to 12 years - ½ packet once a day, after ameal. We recommend that you consult with your doctor or pharmacist for a different intakeamount. Supplement can be used by vegans, pregnant women and nursing mothers.Warning. Do not use the supplement instead of food. Keep away from children. Store in a dryplace with temperature up to +25˚C.Made in Japan, ''Taiyo Kagaku Co, Ltd". 

BioFerrum Acerola N28 usage

Suaugusiems po 1 BioFerrum Acerola pakelį, vaikams 6–12 metų – po ½ BioFerrum Acerola pakelio der dieną, po valgio. Pakelio turinį galima berti tiesiai į burną ir nuryti, ar gerti ištirpintą vandenyje / sultyse. Pasitarkite su gydytoju ar vaistininku dėl kitokio vartojimo kiekio.
